其中主要运行自动分区、格式化文件系统、安装精简FreeBSD 7.2、安装Panabit。
Welcome to Panabit system automatically install shell! The installation will delete all data on your hard disk and can not be restored!!Please confirm whether or not to continue the installation!Do you want to continue(y/n[n])? y输入y回车,否则退出。Following disks are detected: ad0 显示系统中检测到的盘。(有多盘要选对!)Please select one [da0]:ad0 输入ad0回车安装。We begin to format the disk “ad0” and begin to install FreeBSD 7.2!Do you want to continue(y/n[y])? y回车继续。******* Working on device /dev/ad0 *******cylinders=1024heads=64sectors/track=32 此处可能显示一些磁盘分区调整扇区起始信息的警告提示,不用管。FreeBSD 7.2 Install OK! 这期间主要格式化文件系统,复制光盘上FreeBSD精简系统文件和配置。Welcome installing panabit!****** Congratulations ******!You have successfully installed Panabit on your system!Following interfaces are installed in your system:em0 em1 em2 em3 em4 em5
这里显示系统所有网卡,须选择一个做管理口的网卡,剩余的默认都作为数据接口。(注:可以在Live CD启动之后,使用FreeBSD命令ifconfig查看网卡,如果插上网线,显示网卡状态为Active,通过此方法确认物理接口对应关系。)
Please choose one of above as your admin interface: em5仅示例,根据实际情况选择网卡名称Please input ip address of admin interface: input network mask of admin interface: input default gateway:
这里输入管理口网卡名称、IP地址、掩码、网关,则安装完毕!如果输入错误,等脚本运行完毕,重新做一遍!再次显示: Your interface configurations are:Admin interface : em5Admin ip address : netmask : gateway : interfaces : em0 em1 em2 em3 em4Thank you for using panabit!Eject CDROM!Reboot system then the system automaticly start panabit at system startup!If you want to stop the currently running panabit, you can issue“/usr/panabit/bin/ipectrl stop” to stop it!You can issue “/usr/panabit/bin/ipectrl start” to start panabit!Panabit#
Panabit# cd /usr/local Panabit# tar zxvf Panabitxxxx.tar.gz Panabitxxxx.tar.gz换成你下的文件名 Panabit# cd PanabitxxxxPanabit# ./ipeinstall 键入此命令进入安装,安装过程只需1-2分钟即可安装完毕 Welcome installing panabit! Please input the directory to install panabit [/usr/panabit]: 直接回车直接回车即使用默认目录Please input the directory to store log [/usr/panalog]: 直接回车直接回车即使用默认目录Please input the directory to store configuration [/usr/panaetc]: 直接回车直接回车即使用默认目录 The last time to verify your choice: 陈列前面设置的安装目录,以便确认或修改(1) The directory that you want to install is “/usr/panabit”(2) The directory that the log to be stored is “/usr/panalog”(3) The directory that the configuration to be stored is “/usr/panaetc”Above are right(y/n[y])?yCreating directory “/usr/panabit” …okCreating directory “/usr/panalog” …okInstalling Panabit to “/usr/panabit” …okInitializing configurations …okSaving configuration to /etc/PG.conf …****** Congratulations ******!You have successfully installed Panabit on your system: 安装成功,并显示结构信息(1) The installed path is: /usr/panabit (2) The log path is: /usr/panalog (3) The configuration path is: /usr/panaetcTo make your system more sutiable for panabit running, it’s recomended of tuning your system according your system memory size and cpu frequence.Do you want to tune your system(y/n)[y]: y 是否让系统自动检测并调节内核优化参数Your kernel configuration has been tuned as the followings:#console=“comconsoleautoboot_delay="2beastie_disable="YES”if_em_load=“YES”kern.ipc.nmbclusters=10240kern.maxdsiz=2000000000vm.pmap.pg_ps_enabled=1kern.hz=1000You should restart your system to make they take effects.这些设置必须重启系统才能应用,注意安装完毕后记得reboot系统Warning: your em driver has been compiled into kernel.To optimize panabit performance, we recommend you use the optimized driver panaos provides.To use the optimized driver, please remove em driver from your kernel.Following interfaces are installed in your system:选择一个网卡做管理卡,以便我们(管理员)能对流控大师进行管理与设置。em0 em1 em2 em3 em4 em5Please choose one of above as your admin interface: em5 管理卡Please input ip address of admin interface: 管理卡的IPPlease input network mask of admin interface: 管理卡的掩码Please input default gateway: 默认的网关The following interfaces are left for your data processing:选择预作数据网路接口的两片网卡作桥联,以便流控大师能对数据流进行监控。em0 em1 em2 em3 em4Please select data interfaces: em0 em1 监控用的网路数据接口,一般选择性能好的网卡作为数据网卡Your interface configurations are: 当前设置的配制信息Admin interface : em5Admin ip address : netmask : gateway : interfaces : em0 em1Thank you for using panabit!You can issue “/usr/panabit/bin/ipectrl start” to start panabit!And you can also add the above command to /etc/rc.local file to let the system automaticly start panabit at system startup!使用"/usr/panabit/bin/ipectrl start"命令可以启动流控大师进程,如果您变更过目录,请注意改成你设定目录)If you want to stop the currently running panabit, you can issue “/usr/panabit/bin/ipectrl stop” to stop it!使用"/usr/panabit/bin/ipectrl stop"命令可以停止流控大师 进程,如果您变更过目录,请注意改成你设定目录
接下来reboot重启流控大师之后,可以使用ps ax查看流控大师是否启动,正常情况下应该有panaos、ipe_httpd、ipe_mgd进程。 Panabit# reboot
在系统命令临时更改IP地址,参考如下命令: Panabit# ifconfig em5 netmask